Post Hair transplant advice

Hair transplant post-operative care

Hair transplant surgery is the safe way to treat hair fall, if you are planning to get this treatment, then you need to keep some things in your mind. You must follow all the instructions of your surgeon so that you can recover faster from hair transplant.


Well, there are two types of hair transplants such as FUT and FUE, our clinic is well-known for FUE hair transplantation. If you are getting FUE hair transplantation, then you must take some precautions. These include-:

Work-: As we stated above, this is a completely safe procedure, which gives you the best results. After getting this treatment, people can normally get back to work the very next day. After getting this treatment, you need to wear a helmet while going to work.

Exercise-: You must avoid practicing exercise immediately after getting hair transplantation. In addition to this, you do not play any type of sport at least for one or two months after the surgery. Excessive exercise leads you to sweating, due to which you may experience irritation or itching as well. And you will surely start pulling your hair, which affects the transplanted hair follicle.

Medications-: You must go with prescribed medications in order to get rid of pain and discomfort as well. Do not go with another type of antibiotics without consulting a doctor.
Hair cut-: You must avoid all styling products such as gels or hair cuts. You do not take any type of hair cut until 3-4 months after the surgery.